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Diagram of Data Science Flow

Data Science Flow

The data science flow is a user experience focused on collaboratively generating code to fulfill a task. TrialMind's code generation is catered to your team and utilizes your historical code base to generate code that is consistent with your team's style and conventions.

How it works

The DS flow has 2 stages.

Stage 1: Index Historical Code

The user provides a historical code base to TrialMind. TrialMind indexes the code base and learns the patterns of the code base, including commonly used processes, and standards.

Diagram of Data Science FLow

The user can add to the historical code base at any time, and TrialMind will re-index the code base to learn the new patterns. There is no restriction to how small or how large the code base which should be indexed.

Stage 2: Generate Code

The user provides a task to TrialMind. TrialMind generates code to fulfill the task. The user can provide feedback to TrialMind to improve the code generation. TrialMind will learn from the feedback and improve the code generation.

Diagram of Data Science FLow

The generated code will contain structures, patterns and conventions which your team uses. This generated model will be consistent with any propriatery data models your team utilizes. Because the generated code is consistent with your projects, it can be quickly integrated into your code base.


Demo on Patient Event data for a clinical trial.