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TrialMind: GenAI Brain for Clinical Trial Development

Keiji AI is a cutting-edge startup that leverages advanced Generative AI to streamline and enhance the clinical trial documentation process and optimize study design. Our AI-powered platform offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to assist medical researchers, pharmaceutical companies, and clinical research organizations in efficiently developing high-quality trial protocols and related documents, while also optimizing trial design for better outcomes.

**Our key services ** include:

  1. Protocol Drafting: Transform concise trial synopses into comprehensive, fully-detailed protocols. Our AI analyzes your synopsis and expands it into a complete protocol document, ensuring all necessary sections are included and aligned with regulatory standards.

  2. Literature Research Assistant: Conduct thorough background literature reviews for your trial. Our AI scans vast databases of medical literature, identifying relevant studies, meta-analyses, and guidelines to support your protocol's scientific rationale and methodology.

  3. Eligibility Criteria Optimization: Refine your trial's inclusion and exclusion criteria based on analysis of similar, successful trials. Our AI reviews databases of completed trials in your therapeutic area, suggesting optimized eligibility criteria to enhance recruitment and trial success rates.

  4. Informed Consent Form Generation: Automatically draft informed consent forms based on your finalized protocol. Our AI extracts key information from the protocol and generates a clear, compliant consent form tailored to your specific trial.

  5. Clinical Study Report (CSR) Writing Assistance: Accelerate the CSR writing process with our AI-powered writing assistant. Our platform helps structure your CSR, suggests content based on your protocol and results, and ensures adherence to regulatory guidelines.

  6. Trial Outcome and Study Design Optimization: Enhance the effectiveness of your clinical trial with our AI-driven design optimization tool. By analyzing successful trials in your field, our system suggests optimal outcome measures, study designs, and statistical approaches to maximize the chances of achieving meaningful results.

  7. Protocol Consistency Assessment: Ensure internal consistency and compliance with our automated protocol review tool. Our AI thoroughly examines your protocol, identifying any inconsistencies, gaps, or potential compliance issues across all sections, helping you create a more robust and regulatorily sound document.

TrialMind is designed to save time, improve consistency, and enhance the overall quality of clinical trial documentation and design. By leveraging our AI-assisted platform, researchers can focus more on the science and less on the paperwork, ultimately accelerating the drug development process and improving the likelihood of trial success.

Keiji AI proudly presents TrialMind, a groundbreaking AI platform built upon years of our dedicated research in AI applications for clinical trials. At the core of TrialMind is a suite of powerful APIs driven by our cutting-edge Generative AI (GenAI) system. These APIs are designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing enterprise applications, unlocking the full potential of your patient and clinical trial data to drive unprecedented innovation and efficiency.

Key features of TrialMind's API suite include:

  1. Literature Mining: Harness the power of Gen AI and search to quickly identify and extract relevant information from vast repositories of scientific literature, treatment guidelines, and regulatory documents related to your clinical trial.

  2. Trial Search & Analysis: Easily search through historical trial databases and analyze their designs, outcomes, and patient characteristics to inform your own trial strategies.

  3. Protocol Design: Leverage GenAI to generate optimized eligibility criteria, study endpoints, and trial workflows, tailored to your specific therapeutic area and target patient population.

  4. Feasibility Analysis: Assess the viability of your trial design by automatically generating queries for patient databases based on your eligibility criteria and simulating cohort identification, enabling data-driven decision-making and proactive risk mitigation.

  5. Biomedical Data Science Support: Utilize TrialMind's advanced data processing and analytics capabilities to derive meaningful insights from complex biomedical datasets, such as patient-level trial data (e.g., ADaM, SDTM, CDISC), electronic health records, and real-world evidence (e.g., OMOP databases).

In addition to the TrialMind API suite, TrialMind offers a web interface that synergizes with the APIs to provide an end-to-end solution for clinical trial design and optimization. This intuitive interface allows your team to easily access and manipulate data in a privacy-preserving manner, configure AI models, and visualize results, empowering both technical and non-technical users to harness the full potential of TrialMind. image


Interactive TrialMind APIs

TrialMind Eligibility Criteria Generation demo

TrialMind API demo

TrialMind API Documentation

Pitch Deck

Overview deck of TrialMind

Example Applications

Research Assistant

Research Assistant Demo

Data Science Assistant

Data Science Assistant Demo

Trial Search

Trial search on Alzheimer's Disease